The craft of herbal practice is a container that makes healing possible. As herbalists, we know a heart-centered approach that connects our knowledge of herbs with the needs of the communities we serve is the center of our work.
Yet often, the path between herbal wisdom and the practice of herbalism is challenging to navigate on your own. Moving into the clinic, new skills are asked for and are no less pertinent to our livelihoods than honoring the ecology of our homes and land, making medicines with deep intention or learning how to hold safe space with our clients.
Recognizing the guidance and support many new herbal practitioners seek, we’ve created an innovative and comprehensive curated mentorship opportunity that celebrates and nurtures your unique approach to herbalism. This program provides support and skill development tools for herbalists to step into clinical practice while honoring right livelihood in relationship with the plants, self, community, and the changing planet.
This multidisciplinary virtual program is offered in two parts. Part 1, Creating the Container: Tending to Self, Clients and Community, from January to March 2024, and The Heart of the Craft: Assessing the Story, in April and May 2024.
Meet weekly on Tuesday evenings, 6:30 to 9:30 pm, Eastern, with live instruction and guest teachers supported by videos, texts, written assignments, and case study practicum between sessions.
This course is offered as a vehicle for social change. As the world around and within us changes, so do we herbalists need to steward our craft.
Part of the craft is feeling confident in the not-so-sexy, often confusing arena of liability insurance, SOAP notes, HPPA requirements, herb-drug interactions and other tools genuinely needed for how we dream our practices into being while growing in our professionalism and integrity.
Course instructors are Patricia Kyritsi Howell, Kat Maier and Emily Ruff. Together they bring over 70 years of clinical experience to this training.