Medicinal Plants of the Southern Appalachians


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Interested in the medicinal uses of native plants?

Whether you live in the Southern Appalachian Mountains or not, Medicinal Plants of the Southern Appalachians by Patricia Kyritsi Howell is an essential reference for North American herbalists.

Written to address the needs of home herbalists interested in harvesting and using local plants for everyday health care,
it contains detailed information on the uses of forty-five medicinal plants native to the region. You’ll also find:

  • Easy-to-understand botanical descriptions
  • Historical and current uses of each herb
  • Dosage guidelines
  • Detailed, easy-to-follow medicine-making instructions
  • Original recipes for making syrups, liniments, digestive bitters, and more
  • Bloom and harvest calendars for the Southeast
  • Detailed therapeutic index for common health conditions

Cost: $20, with free shipping

Publication date: 2006. 272 pages.
ISBN 0-9774905-0-5